Green Hopper Photo LLC

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My love of animals had come to me at very young age. I grew up on a small farm in a rural area of Oregon. We had barn cats, house dogs, goats, cows, chickens, ducks and geese. There were always lots of chores on the property, cleaning of the chicken coops with barns and fences to mend. Mostly what I enjoyed was spending time with the animals. The animals were always happy to spend time with me. They were my only friends growing up for the most part and I had a great bond with many of these wonderful animals.

Sometimes I miss my time on the farm all those years ago. Even though I know that there were difficult times, mostly what I remember are the times I spent with my fur friends.

As an adult I had the opportunity to photograph the animals at a church in Portland during blessing of the animals service for several years in a row. This was a wonderful experience and I loved seeing so many dogs, cats, birds and rodents during this wonderful once a year event.